How your dog’s digestive system works

This can be the fresh raw flesh or stomach contents of a warm-blooded animal, a rotting carcass or long dead bones, the feces of another animal or at a pinch, fallen fruit or nuts, insects or whatever else it comes across. Canine Digestive System The dog has the shortest digestive system in the kingdom of mammals. Their jaws are hinged and contain sharp, jagged, blade-like molars which allows them to swallow large chunks of meat and gorge themselves. This ability enables dogs to consume a great deal of food and then rest until the next kill.
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Cat Facts: 7 Stops Along Your Cat’s Digestive System

These are the starches and sugars in your diet. They are broken up into smaller molecules by digestive juices in the mouth and in the small intestines with the help of digestive enzymes produced by the pancreas. The glucose that results from this digestion is used for energy throughout the body. Proteins. Meat, eggs, and beans are protein foods.
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What Does Your Digestive System Do?

Cat teeth , CC-BY-SA by Gabriel Gonzalez 3. The stomach From the esophagus, the food passes through a sphincter (a ring of muscles) into the stomach itself. Here, acid begins the serious breakdown of food, particularly proteins. A cats stomach acid is strong enough to dissolve bones. The contractions of the stomach mix and grind food with secretions, turning it into a liquid before it passes to the next stage of digestion. 4.
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